Category Archives: Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week

The Prout School Boys Hockey

The Prout School Boys Hockey

Congratulations to this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week: The Prout School Boys Hockey! This week’s spotlight was sent in by player AJ Gemma: We collected almost 500 pounds of canned goods in a drive at our injury fund game in December! We adopted 3 families as a team for Christmas each member of…MORE

Moses Brown Football

Moses Brown Football

Congratulations to this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week: Moses Brown Football! This week’s spotlight entry was sent in by William Edwards, coach of Moses Brown football: The 2015 Moses Brown Football Team not only made a difference on the field as they won their 2nd consecutive Div 2 state championship a few weeks ago,…MORE

Scituate Unified Volleyball

Scituate Unified Volleyball

Congratulations to this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week: Scituate Unified Volleyball! This week’s spotlight was sent in by student Samantha O’Connor: This was Scituate’s first unified volleyball team ever! We just started with unified basketball and have been excitedly introducing unified sports to our school. Our season started out rough as we lost…MORE

East Providence Basketball

East Providence Basketball

Congratulations to this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week: East Providence Girls Basketball! This week’s spotlight was sent by head coach, Michael Solitro: For those of you that do not know already, the East Providence Girls Basketball Team participates every year in a huge Pink Zone campaign to help raise money for…MORE

East Greenwich Football

East Greenwich Football

Congratulations to this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week: East Greenwich Football! This week’s spotlight was swent in by fan, Amy Andreozzi: East Greenwich High Schools DIII Football team went undefeated in regular season play. They won the Super Bowl yesterday! They are an impressive group of young men. Their captain, Nick…MORE

Bishop Hendricken Football

Bishop Hendricken Football

Congratulations to this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week: Bishop Hendricken Football! This week’s spotlight entry was sen in by Head Coach of the Bishop Hendricken Football team, Keith Croft: “Our team just captured our sixth straight football championship! Additionally we recently collected over 300 food items over the Thanksgiving break for community families…MORE

Coventry HS Girls Volleyball

Coventry HS Girls Volleyball

Congratulations to this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week: Coventry High School Girls Volleyball! This week’s spotlight was sent in by Parent, Lisa Denton: These girls have worked their butts off to get back to the state finals this year! They won and are 2015 Division One state champs. They took part in…MORE

Rogers High School Football

Rogers High School Football

Congratulations to this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week: Rogers High School Varsity Football! This week’s spotlight was sent in by fan, Rachel Collum: I believe that the Rogers High School Varsity football team should be this weeks Team of the Week because I have never seen a team strive for perfection…MORE

Cumberland Girls Soccer

Cumberland Girls Soccer

Congratulations to this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week: Cumberland Girls Soccer! This week’s spotlight was sent in by player Rachel Haviland: This season we went 15-4-1 with 5 total shutouts, the best record Cumberland girls soccer has had in 10 years. We made it to the state championship game at Rhode…MORE

Central High School Varsity Football

Central High School Varsity Football

Congratulations to this week’s Showcase Cinemas High School Team of the Week: Central High School Varstiy Football! This week’s spotlight entry was sent in by Classical High School Principal Julia Carlson: The CHS Boys football team is undefeated going into the big game this Saturday against Shea. This team, a truly unique group of men,…MORE


Where in RI To Take An Out-of-Stater

Where in RI To Take An Out-of-Stater

As a North Kingstown resident, I knew this tour required traveling outside of my neighborhood. Given five days and my minimal college student budget, here are the places I took my West Coast visitors:
